Guests may approach you asking about our Assistive Listening Available signage, here is how to help them!

  • You may want to grab a paper and marker in case writing is an easier form of communication for the guest. 
  • If the guest is using an ASL interpreter, make sure you are speaking directly to the guest, not the interpreter.

  1.  Ask the guest if they are using their own phone, or if they would like to check one of ours out.
  2. If they are checking a phone out from us, grab a checkout form and have the guest fill it out. 
  3. Fill out the bottom portion and put the form in the lockbox.
  4. Make sure the guest is connected and ready to go.
  5. Upon return of the device:
    1. Check for any wear or damage. 
    2. Return the checkout sheet to the guest.
    3. Plug the phone in to charge in the technology cabinet. Unplug and power off the phone once it is at 100%.